Commodity price risk insurance


ChAI insurance guards against market risk, and mitigates procurement strategies to insure growth.

Their AI forecasting ability enables them to effectively provide price insurance premiums for price indices matching any conceivable supplier contracts. ChAI’s understanding of the probability of any price being hit over a 12 month period gives them the ability to offer premiums that reflect the true risk of that price being hit.

Insurtech Gateway participated in ChAI’s Seed round in October 2022.

ChAI Insurtech Gateway Portfolio commodities price risk

Raw material prices are hugely volatile and impacted by many different influences. ChAl’s client base has a large exposure to raw materials prices that materially affect their margin. They often look to secure these prices between 1-24 months in advance on fixed price contracts, however knowing when the best timing to do this and the frequency requires a highly advanced data extraction team and forecasting capabilities normally only seen in Hedge funds. ChAI democratises access to this type of market price intelligence.


ChAI insurance de-risks the supply chains, by allowing corporate clients to strategically lock-in their commodities pricing with the guarantee that if the market moves against them, they are financially protected by an insurance-backed solution.


Tristan Fletcher (CEO) – Algorithmic trader in global commodity hedge funds and investment banks. PhD in applying Al to commodity pricing (UCL), MEng in Manufacturing (Cambridge) and Junior Research Fellow in Al (Imperial).

Stephen Butler (CCO) – 12 years as head of trading at a large global Commodity Trading Advisor. BA in Business and Marketing (Dublin).

Michael Button (CTO) – Principal software architect and engineer in global hedge funds and developed mission-critical trading and financial services software. MSc in Computer Science (UCL), BSc Mathematics with Statistics (Bristol).

Marcus Dixon (COO) – Managed the global sales pipeline and technology partnerships at Grove Group, COO at Informed Actions. BA in Business Management & Marketing (UWE) and Executive-MBA (Quantic School of Business and Technology).

ChAI Founding team Tristan Fletcher, Stephen Butler, Michael Button, Marcus Dixon

“We’ve had very positive feedback from the founders of Insurtech Gateway’s existing portfolio and are excited to be part of this community and get the insurance expertise to build out our parametric insurance product.”

Marcus Dixon, Co-Founder and COO at ChAI 

“Welcome to the Gateway ChAI. Industrial supply chains face increasing price volatility in commodities with the majority unable to access hedging tools. ChAI solves this problem through a smart price protection solution backed by insurance.  We were really impressed by ChAI’s deep data insights into market and pricing dynamics, and are looking forward to supporting them as they prove and scale this model.”

Richard Chattock, CEO at Insurtech Gateway

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