Climate Insurtech Platform


IBISA builds, distributes and operates climate insurance solutions for agriculture in a cost-efficient, scalable and innovative way.

Configurable satellite-based parametric insurance with affordable premiums and rapid payouts through a fully digitalised, transparent platform.

This is changing the way cooperatives, agriculture financial providers, agricultural suppliers and food and beverage corporations recover from the impact of extreme weather events and support smallholder farmers to stay in business and flourish.

Insurtech Gateway led IBISA’s €1.5m seed round in December 2021.

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Maria Mateo Iborra – MSc in Telecommunications, Satellite communications, business admin. Areas of expertise; 6 years blockchain, 15 years in satellite industry (SES S.A)

Jean-Baptiste Pleynet – Registered actuary, MSc in Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Areas of expertise; actuarial science, insurance, finance, risk management, risk modeling, data sciences, business analysis, innovation management, business management. (Deloitte and Pericles group)

Annette Houtekamer – MSc in Business administration. Global experience in agriculture insurance, re-insurance and inclusive insurance. Areas of expertise; +25 years insurance-market, agriculture, finance, networking, business development, re-insurance. (Achmea)


The climate crisis is accelerating and the frequency and severity of extreme weather events is putting the whole food supply chain, and specifically smallholder farmers, at more risk than ever before. Globally, more than 80% of smallholder farmers do not have any form of agricultural insurance.



IBISA builds, distributes and operates climate insurance solutions for agriculture in a cost-efficient, scalable and innovative way. Configurable satellite-based Parametric insurance with affordable premiums and rapid payouts through a fully digitalised, transparent platform.

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“We are very excited to have Insurtech Gateway as part of our journey and benefit from the team’s vast and unique experience in insurance and in getting start-up off the ground and to taking them to scale.” 

Maria Mateo Iborra, Co-Founder and CEO at IBISA

“Historically microinsurance was not commercially viable due to many reasons such as low premiums, expensive claims handling, challenging distribution and a lack of trust. IBISA is using technology across the whole ecosystem to solve these problems and help manage risk. Enabling smallholder farmers around the world to access affordable insurance and stabilise their incomes in the face of extreme weather. We are excited to be investing in such an impactful and scalable model.”

Stephen Brittain, Co-Founder at Insurtech Gateway

We understand that your idea might not be fully formed yet, that you might still be in a full time job or be genuinely stuck with lots of stakeholders breathing down your neck.

For a confidential, exploratory chat with one of our local incubator teams, book a video chat.